Thanks to Best for the correction
Posted by Francesca on Jun 22, 2011 in Blog | 0 commentsI would like to say a big thank you to Jackie Hatton, editor of Best magazine, for listening to my concerns about the headline used on the story about how my husband and I adopted two babies in Mexico. This week her magazine printed an apology.
“We bought our dream family,” was not exactly what I expected to see at the top of the page. A big part of my belief about adoption is that children should not be exchanged for money in any circumstances, though sadly this does happen in many places around the world. In my book, Mexican Takeaway I make it very clear how I feel about children as transactions.
So thank you so much Jackie because this isn’t just personal as you know. I hope that my exposure in the media can contribute to a more humane adoption system in the UK, and internationally, so that more children can leave care for a permanent loving home. Thanks for listening, being professional and sticking to your promise.