Today is very exciting for me. I’ve just received the first copies of my book Mexican Takeaway. Opening the box has released a whole wave of feelings. Anticipation of course, but also relief, excitement, pride and a little bit of sadness as I recalled what it was that made me write the book in the first place.
I don’t think either Rick my husband or I will ever forget the uncertainty, the insecurity and the sheer hell of what we went through during our adoption adventure. But I didn’t want Mexican Takeaway to be just about that: it would have been too myopic and that’s why the book is a much broader take on our time in Mexico. It’s a road trip and I think even people who haven’t been through adoption will enjoy the mad, colourful road trip we went on. Mexico is an amazing place and I hope I did it justice in the book. Now we have since adopted a baby boy, after spending more time there the memories of that first time are still vivid.
Sitting here, my box of books strewn on the floor feels like I have given birth. I won’t pretend I know what it feels like to do that but I will say that in its own way it was painful. And hopefully worth it.
1 Comment
- How does it feel to be an adoptive parent? - [...] programme reminded me of Francesca Polini who adopted two babies from Mexico for humanitarian reasons, and this week described …
Congratulations Francesca. I am thrilled for you. I know how much this means to you and I very much look forward to reading the printed edition.